current series: genesis and psalms

Genesis was written almost 3,500 years ago by Moses. Within its narrative we discover not only our history as people of faith but the truth of how God will continually relate to us: graciously, truthfully, and lovingly. God created us for a great purpose, which our our selfishness and sin has ruined. Yet through Jesus' finished work on the cross we can be restored to our original purpose by His grace, through faith. As we journey through each verse of Genesis we will see how these powerful truths apply to our daily lives.

The Psalms are a collection of 150 poems and songs found in the bible that express our deepest emotions to God; love, anger, fear, joy, and trust. They are meant to be sung as anthems that declare foundational truths about God so that we can walk by faith through the most challenging seasons of our lives.


sermon archives

archive: Ephesians

Paul wrote this letter to the church at Ephesus, in modern Turkey, around AD 62 while imprisoned in Rome. He established this church during his second missionary journey. Like any city of today Ephesus was devoted to business, entertainment/arts, and exploring religion. But Ephesians challenges us discover our true identity in Christ, not in what society values, and make whatever lifestyle changes are necessary in order to live fully by faith.

archive: philippians

Paul wrote this letter to the church in Philippi around AD 62 while imprisoned in Rome. He established this church, the first church in Europe, during his second missionary journey in what is presently Greece. Paul’s tone from the beginning is that we must see ourselves as servants of Jesus if we are to grow spiritually. As a result the mission of our lives is not fulfilling our desires but serving those God has placed before us as an expression of our love for Jesus. Each week we’ll see how this plays out in our daily lives.


archive: 1 peter


This letter was written about AD 62-63 by the apostle Peter. Even though he betrayed Jesus, Peter powerfully experienced Jesus’ grace and restoration on the shores of Galilee. After being filled with the Holy Spirit Peter played a foundational role in the establishment of the church and dedicated his life to Good News of Jesus until his death, traditionally believed to be crucifixion on an inverted cross. In the opening verse Peter identifies his audience as those living as exiles in unfamiliar lands, longing to be regathered in their homeland. This letter helps us to live as authentic disciples of Jesus, living as spiritual foreigners in a strange world.


archive: james

This letter was written about AD 45-49 by James, one of Jesus’ younger siblings by Mary and Joseph. Beyond simply knowing Jesus closely, James followed Jesus by faith. So strong was James’ commitment to Christ that he became the leader of the church Jerusalem and was martyred in AD 62. James knew how to live whole-heartedly for Christ and his letter reveals these lifelong practices. In the opening verse he identifies his audience as those living as foreigners in unfamiliar lands, longing to be regathered in their homeland. Because we are citizens of heaven the book of James shows us how to live as authentic disciples of Jesus in a foreign world.


archive: colossians

This letter was written nearly 2,000 years ago by the apostle Paul and Timothy. The society of Colossi featured a plurality of religions such as Judaism, Gnosticism, and paganism. As a result the church faced many challenges resulting from widespread misinformation about Jesus, unbiblical ideas about the spirit world, and false teachings concerning the fundamental elements of true faith. Paul’s intent was to encourage and strengthen the church to grow deeper in its relationship with Christ despite pressure from the surrounding culture to do the opposite. The goals of faithful teaching and committing to holiness are just as important today as it was in the early church. Through Jesus' finished work on the cross we can grow spiritually and fulfill our mission to make disciples by His grace, through faith. As we journey through each verse we will see how these powerful truths apply to our daily lives.


archive: Epistles of John

These epistles, or letters, were written nearly 2,000 years ago by the apostle John. His intent was to encourage and strengthen the church to grow deeper in its relationship with Christ despite pressure from the surrounding culture to do the opposite. The struggle to stay faithful to God, discern and reject false teaching, and commit to holiness is just as real today as it was in the early church. Yet through Jesus' finished work on the cross we can grow spiritually and fulfill our mission to make disciples by His grace, through faith. As we journey through each verse we will see how these powerful truths apply to our daily lives.